We arrived in New Zealand just before midnight
on the 14th of November, 2005 ending this
season of Voyaging.  Our landfall was the tiny
little community, in the Bay of Islands, named
Opua.  After some 897 nautical miles and 181
1/2 hours of some of the most gruelling sailing
that we have done, we tied up to the Quarentine
Dock, said a quick prayer of thanks to the Gods
of the Seas, and popped a couple of Millers to
celebrate the end of a long passage that began
some 7 months and 7886 nautical miles ago.  
This will be our home for the next 4-5 months
as we wait out the Hurricane season before we
once more set sail and go Voyaging in search of
new places and people.
New Zealand, the land of long white clouds